Dehumidifier Repair and Installation
Dehumidifiers extract moisture from the air, helping your home feel cooler and reducing the likelihood of mold and mildew growth. While you can use freestanding/portable dehumidifiers, these have limited capacity, and must be emptied regularly to keep them running. Opting for a whole-house dehumidifier installation can be a time-saving and convenient option.
Signs you might benefit from a dehumidifier include:
- Mold and mildew issues
- Condensation on your windows or furniture
- Musty smells
- Peeling paint
Humid conditions can cause wood to rot, and damage your furniture, curtains, blinds and other fabrics. It can also leave you feeling hot and sticky, even when the air conditioning is running. In contrast, excessively dry conditions can irritate your skin and potentially make you more susceptible to colds or sore throats. A good indoor air quality technician can help you set up dehumidifiers and other air quality solutions to provide the optimal moisture level and temperature range for maximum home comfort.
The correct humidity level may change depending on the time of year and the issues you’re concerned about. For example, if someone living in your home has asthma or allergies, they may be more comfortable with humidity levels towards the lower end of the recommended range. We can help you figure out what’s best for your needs.