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How To Turn Off Your Water Heater

gas water heaters

It might not seem like something as basic as turning off a water heater would be difficult. Many homeowners find themselves scratching their heads when trying to figure out what valves to turn! And because it varies based on whether your system is gas or electric, it can take a few extra steps to make […]

The Pros & Cons of a Tankless Water Heater

plumbing contractors charleston sc

Tankless water heaters can be an excellent option to provide ample hot water for your household while creating a more energy-efficient home. Here are the pros and cons of a tankless water heater to help you decide it is the right solution for you. Pros of a Tankless Water Heater Instant hot water: Once the […]

The Surprising Ways That Plumbing Contributes To Your Everyday Health

water heater repair Lowcounty sc

Most of us take the readily available water in our homes for granted, whether it is for drinking, cooking, cleaning, or personal hygiene. You can access hot and cold water by simply turning on a tap. However, throughout history, how we receive water has often presented health risks, and continues to do so in many […]

The Dangers of Scalding Hot Water (and How To Prevent Scalds)

Lowcounty plumbing, Lowcounty air conditioning, Charleston plumber, Charleston air conditioning

The risk of burns at home is higher than you might think. Most people have suffered a heat-related accident at home, often as a result of scalding hot water. Burns can be mild, or severe injuring more than one layer of skin. The painful site will either simply turn red, or can blister and become […]

4 Main Causes of Sewer Damage

Lowcounty plumber, Lowcounty air conditioning, Lowcounty hvac, Lowcounty heating, Goose Creek plumber, Goose Creek air conditioning, Goose Creek heating

There’s no delicate way to talk about sewage. Sewage problems are just gross. Ever smelled backed-up sewer pipes? Ugh. Worse yet: Ever had sewer water actually back up into your shower or spill out onto the floor? Barf. Without a proper waste disposal system, you can experience a whole host of issues: spreading diseases, mold […]

What the Crap is a Bidet?

Lowcounty plumbing, Lowcounty air conditioning, Charleston plumber, Charleston air conditioning

We?ll try not to get too personal? We?ve all been there. You?re doing your business, and you realize there?s no toilet paper. You start to panic, frantically searching your bathroom cabinets hoping to find even half a roll. With a national TP shortage, this is a reality we?ll likely be dealing with for quite some […]

Why Is My Toilet Running All The Time?

Lowcounty plumbing, Lowcounty air conditioning, Charleston plumber, Charleston air conditioning

Nothing is worse than having someone use the toilet and within minutes of them flushing it?s clear that annoying running sound isn?t going to stop. This is a constant source of frustration as it?s a sound that?s hard to ignore. That means someone has to get up and ?jiggle the handle? to hopefully get the […]

Why Does My Hot Water Run Out So Quickly?

Lowcounty plumbing, Lowcounty air conditioning, Charleston plumber, Charleston air conditioning

You know the scenario. You wake up in the morning, turn on the shower and your water is frigid cold. You stand there shivering waiting for it to heat up and it seems to take forever. Or maybe it’s just you. Maybe you’re last in line and the rest of your family has enjoyed a […]