Rudd Plumbing, Heating and Air

We?ll try not to get too personal?

We?ve all been there. You?re doing your business, and you realize there?s no toilet paper. You start to panic, frantically searching your bathroom cabinets hoping to find even half a roll.

With a national TP shortage, this is a reality we?ll likely be dealing with for quite some time. But whether you?re thinking of stocking up with hundreds of rolls or rationing your sheets, there might be another solution.

What is a bidet?

Bidets direct water from a nozzle to your umm, ?area? after you use the toilet. They?re popular in other parts of the world, like across Asia and Europe. But in the States, we?re only used to seeing them in fancy-schmancy hotel bathrooms or as an ironic joke in our favorite movies. Not anymore! Bidets are slowly gaining popularity throughout the U.S.

Bidets come in different configurations: permanent plumbing fixtures, built-in to the toilet, attached by a special toilet seat, and handheld sprayers. The attachable toilet seats and handheld sprayers are particularly popular, as they?re typically less expensive and they?re easier to install.

How do I use a bidet?

No, we?re not going to give you a full demonstration. (Had you a little worried, though, right?)

To make the most of your bidet, you?ll first need to:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the controls.?Find the controls for temperature, spray intensity, and position of the nozzle or sprayer.
  2. Test the bidet on a less sensitive body part.?Place your hand over the nozzle or sprayer, and test your bidet. Some have a rather powerful spray, so have a towel handy just in case you misjudge the angle.
  3. Give it the full-blown test when it?s convenient for you.?Don?t try your new appliance before a big date or business presentation. Maybe change out of your fancy new jeans. Don?t expect to get things right the first time.

The most important thing to remember is to read the directions and be patient with your new friend.

What benefits do bidets offer?

We have to be honest: That is a headline we never anticipated writing. But as it turns out, bidets offer multiple benefits:

What?s not so great about a bidet?

Have more questions?

We love questions! We?ve been serving Lowcounty plumbing customers for years. We?d love to help you determine if a bidet is right for your home. Give us a call today!